Sunday, 11 November 2018

Quality time we had.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Last week was a wholesome and fulfilled one. Well spent with my hubs and le kids. We never tend to enjoy much cause lots of things kept messing in our heads be it about business, work and personal stuff.

Deepavali holiday,
We went to Kajang for a wonderful staycation at Saville@Kajang where the kids spent their time swimming and playing with their cuzzies. They were so overwhelmed and had a blast. We planned on going to IOI later that night but then we were all busted dead tired whilst playing in the pool. We slept early cause were simply tired laughing our heads off. Reminiscing old times and caught laughing at tiniest silliest thing we could ever imagine. We called Domino's for dinner and eat hardheartedly. Best released tension time as the kids play all by themselves and we adults get a me and catch up time wholesomely.

Husband got infected by tonsillitis which couldn’t allow him to speak nor eat. His throat is swelling like crazy till affected his gland. It was badly swollen and he couldn’t do anything. We went to pay a visit at the doctor and he gave the strongest dose of antibiotics for him to rest and dose off. While he was resting, me and the kids cooked and baked cookies! I watched Donna Hay Basic to Brilliance at Asia’s Food Channel and was so overjoyed by how easy the recipe looks! So with the essential recipes that I get on hand, I started baking with the kids and we had much fun in the kitchen that I tend to miss those moments. Recipes will be shared on the next blog.

We brought the kids to the park for some outdoor time, riding rented cars for the kids, eating McDonald’s sundae cones and having a whole lot of fun. We didn’t spend much money but the kids are extremely had a whole lot of fun. We got each one of them toys not ranging more than RM10 (hehe) to compliment their good behavior. Kids slept well and I had good time watching SemiFinals Gegar Vaganza without any disruptions. So that’s it, a simple sum up last week. I truly enjoyed every littlest moments that we spend and hoping the kids does as well.

Just a little dua to close this post for now,
حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ ۖ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ
(Surah At-Taubah: 129)
Maksudnya: “Cukupkanlah bagiku Allah (yang menolong dan memeliharaku), tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia; kepada-Nya aku berserah diri, dan Dialah yang mempunyai Arasy yang agung.”

Till next time,


Sunday, 4 November 2018

Building your relationship with the Quran

picture taken by @ayeshasyahira

Im so optimistic seeing sis Ayesha do the quran tagging. It makes us know the ayats more better and clearer. Makes us close to Allah. Makes us understand what the Quran has to say. 

Cukuplah hanya Allah bagiku
Hanya kepada Allah kita bertawakkal
Kehidupan ini akan sentiasa rasa cukup bila kita ada Allah

I hope i could be a quran tag girl, I hope I can bring myself close to Allah. Kick all those laziness inside of me. Kuatkan dan teguhkan imanku Ya Allah, amin Ya Rabb


Tuesday, 30 October 2018

A year Older

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, its my birthday today. Ive turned 28 years old. And was blessed with 2 handsome sons and 1 great caring super husband. My life couldn't be even better to where i stand now. I missed my family, this feeling inside me is indescribable maybe because i live far from my ibu and and umi. And on this day also, i was abandoned by my own birth mom. I haven't even met or seen her for 28 years. And i didn't even know her nor my birth dad. Come to always think about it, i will be sad and frustrated. But seeing it on the good side, i have 1 set of born parents (whom i don't know), 1 set of my parents now, and 1 set of my ayah and ibu tiri (cause both my parents now have their ex spouse for their first marriage). And my grandparents whom i dearly loved and treated me as their ‘own’ child. Its okay, for 28 years I've been accepting the fact that I'm okay with myself. That im fine, and Alhamdulillah i don't have any child out of wedlock and my sons have their own father in their life.

Im thankful to Allah for giving me this life and opportunity to make things right. Giving me a job, a house to live in and a car to move. I thank Allah for giving me the best of health to serve Him and to be the best for my family. I thank Allah for everything, every little moments that He gave me experienced. I'm truly blessed and honored.

But if there's any wishes that He could grant, 

i wish for the relationship with my ibu gets closer like it used to be, i wished that my Ayah could accept me and family with open heart, i wished my MIL to be in best of health, i wish that my husband could chase his dream and making it a reality and i wished that I'm debt free. I wished too that my kids become your best servants and I wished that my dreams having a bakery achieved. 

Amin. And for those who ever read my dua, I hope you could dua kan for me ya.

okay, that's it for today's blog. nothing interesting but it's near to my heart. Till next time,


Monday, 22 October 2018

Scrubing your dirty deeds

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Sunday evening, while i was busy doing house chores and one of them is scrubbing the dirty grease at the kitchen sink. And i merely wondered, 

are our hearts this dirty whilst doing bad deeds? I mean did I try to scrub them hard like what I did now? Did i do any actions to scrub my heart white? 

Turning them into shiny white is impossible, but making the stains fade is POSSIBLE. Aku lalai, aku alpa and this makes me wonder apa patut aku buat untuk bersihkan hati aku yang kotor. Terlampau banyak sangat kesalahan yang aku telah buat semenjak baligh. I mean terlampau banyak gila. Those school days where i lied to my parents untuk keluar with my friends, where i cabut sekolah and lepak doing nonsensical things, and 1 bad thing I had done when I was 17 years old that changed my life 360 degrees. My relationship with my parents and my family. Then there was college life, where I kept rebelling and think that 

aku je betul, semua salah. Kenapa orang susah sgt nak faham aku, and aku buat je kepala aku. Aku rasa weh hidup muda ni sekali jelah, buat jela ape aku nak buat. 

So i live wrecklessly, abaikan studies aku for my last year. I took Mechanical Engineering and got 4 flats for my 1st year, but then semua dah kelaut. Semua dah gone dead buried at the sea. No future left for me. Then i ran away from home. Worked at Starbucks and merempat and menumpang dekat rumah orang. I think 

aku dah hebat sangat. Hebat boleh survive sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. 

Padahal dalam pandangan orang lain, aku ni such a nuisance. Menyusahkan orang betul sampai family sendiri tak nak terima kau. Hmmm, then I berniaga at Singapore and didnt last long. Maybe because takde keberkatan dalam hidup. My parents and family didnt bless me of what I have. To be frank, aku earned around Rm3000 per week. Betapa besarnya duit yang aku dapat seminggu. Tapi tiada keberkatan, tiada juga kekal lama rezeki itu. 

So itu sedikit sebanyak cerita masa lampau aku. Di mana, masa aku kahwin pun, im not one of my in laws favourites pun. Ada aje yang salah dimata mereka, ada aje yang tak kena. Ada aje yang tak betul. Tapi Allah tu Maha Kuasa, there’s one incident that totally changed the perspective of me, (later i cerita in another post ya). So thats it, aku rasa hati aku dah hitam legam due to terlambau banyak sangat kisah silam aku yang penuh pahit dan keburukan. Mungkin Allah place aku kerja di kebajikan supaya aku dapat membersihkan hati aku sikit-sikit dengan menolong orang, menyenangkan urusan orang? Mungkin itu yang dapat bersihkan hati aku mcm skrg aku tengah menyental tiles dkt sink ni? Hmmm, semuanya di tangan kita untuk mentafsirkan sendiri. Aku harap Allah kuatkan hati aku, kuatkan daya aku untuk berubah menjadi yang baik dan lebih sempurna. Not to be perfect, but to be more wiser and kinder in the near future. For my kids, my husband and my family. Banyak sangat jasa mereka yang aku patut balas selagi hayat aku masih ada. Kuatkan diri aku ya Allah, help me endure and i hope i can bring something valuable to the society too In sha Allah. Whats past is something for you to learn, but whats in the future is something for you to think and strive. Till next time,


Friday, 19 October 2018

Radiate Positivity

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Assalamualaikum everyone, just wanna share my experiences thru the short course that i attended yesterday.

Kursus yang saya hadiri adalah Pengurusan Tunai Berkesan. Well it sounds like urgh boring! But lets face it, i DO need to attend this kursus cause i was asked to. Bukan dengan kerelaan hati. Tapi semua ini adalah suratan yang ditentukan Allah untuk aku menilai diri aku sebenar.

So sampai je aku di Putrajaya, the ambience, surrounding, people working at that buliding semua like super fast paced. And they go to work with their kids! Well sebab nya they provide taska dalam tempat kerja for those working there. Cool kan? So after breakfast, we head on to the dewan persidangan. Get on my seat, i see the penceramah tgh set up OHP and laptop untuk sesi taklimatnya.

So while waiting for others to penuhkan ruang dewan, i waited anxiously and my mind set dah beritahu aku okay Mira, just hold on cause its gonna be soooooo boring. Tapi, apabila that talker named Pn Dhia Khalid just open her mouth, wowww! I was astonished and could feel great positive vibes reaching me. My god, i need this, and i really do! Cant stop thanking Allah for placing me at this place and at the right time where i needed His guidance and love now.

So basically, Pn Dhia is a cancer cervix fighter. But her positive life made her go thru everything smoothly. She said, 

think positive frequently, 
think all the good good memories, 
create endless moments with your loved ones. 
Thus you can live your life to the fullest, and money will come to you easily.

A simple question that she asked strucked me, what is your value? What did you do to serve people? If you are dead, what will people remember you as? Do you do good in your life? I was so shooked that i felt i right thru the heart.

I do no good towards my parents, i have made a terrible mistake and was so ashamed to just remember about it. I always burden my family with my financial stake. I cant be a good sister, good daughter nor a good wife. I always kept asking why bad things came to my life. I really cant tell one simple good thing about what people will remember me as if Im gone.

Me, i need to work on my relationship with Allah. I need to constantly pray hard, keep my distance close to Him. I need to be istiqomah in order i want to get what i want in life. Aku tak patut berburuk sangka pada orang, those bad thoughts, bad energy yang stuck inside my head yang membuatkan rezeki and duit tidak melekat kepada saya.


avoid listening to that tiny voice inside your head telling you negative things. You need to fight with yourself first before fighting for others. Sedarkan diri baru you can make small changes at a time that end up to big giant achievements.

Give value to your work. No matter what occupation you do, be it a housewife, a cleaner, a teacher, an entrepreneur or whatsoever. do your best and your all and give 101%. cause that's where keberkatan will deliver and people will try and appreciate you. people will remember and recall about you. 

 banyak value you bagi untuk berniaga,
banyak sales yang you dapat
its not about how hard you try and sell,
its about what value you give and provide.

Set your intentions right, in sha Allah, Allah will guide us.

so I'll stop here for now and will continue in my next blog. 
In sha Allah ill be writing more positive reads in this blog. I need to value my life. Biar lah only 1 people yang read this post, as long as i dapat share the benefit to the world. Till next time,


Monday, 8 October 2018

Honey Cornflakes Recipe

This one is an all time favourite recipe! My kids and me especially love it soooooo much! One of my first go to start-baking recipes when i was young. Need only 4 ingredients, lets get things started started.

Ingredients ;
Cornflakes 2 cups
Honey ½ cup
Butter 125 grams
Sugar 2 tbsp
Papercup to fill those cornflakes

Ways ;
So mix the honey, butter and sugar on top of the stove. Simmer till small bubbles appear. Then turn off the fire and mix those cornflakes together.

So place in the papercups baked in a 180C oven for 15 mins or till golden brown. Let cool completely as you dont want your mouth to be burnt! Cause its superrr hot once it gets out of the oven. There you have it, simple honey cornflakes cups. Enjoy and do share if you find this beneficial


Sunday, 7 October 2018

Breakfast by the beach

Hi assalamualaikum, hows your weekend going? Well as for me, i brought my kids to the Pengkalan Balak beach as early as 8am. The kids firstly were not fascinated but then as they play by the beach, buliding sandcastles and catching up the waves, they end up didn't want to go back! I packed a few sandwiches, bihun goreng, fried few pieces of nuggets and hotdogs for our simple breakfast by the beach. It was so serene seing the whole scenery was so peaceful. Even though i hate getting sands on my feet, i quite enjoyed this once in a while. And being here really makes me think about the Infinte power of Allah swt. In brief, no matter how hard we strive to do so, we cannot possibly come to grasp the extent of Allah’s knowledge, because it is unlimited.


Just a quick info about the Pengkalan Balak beach.
Its 20.7km away from Pekan Alor Gajah, which took around 30 mins to reach there.
There are several chalets and homestays for you to choose from from rate as low as Rm50 per night.
You will be spoiled for choices with the foods sold along the beach. so you wont go hungry, just get ready some cash and get ur stomach full :)
Lastly, you get to rent those Banana Boats at Rm10 per head and go wild and crazy!


Got back around 1130 am, the kids were super exhausted but happy. Alhamdulillah what a great weekend spending time with the kids and le hubby. Till next time :)


Friday, 5 October 2018

Foolproof Simple Doughnut Recipe

Yesterday i tried out this foolproof doughnut recipe. Super simple and easy to make. Suitable for those new timers because its not troublesome and the steps are straight forward. So without further ado, lets get things started.

Foolproof Doughnut Recipe

Ingredients ;
500 grams all purpose flour
1 egg
125 grams butter
2 tbsp condensed milk
2 tbsp sugar
1 packet of dry yeast
200ml of warm water
castor sugar *for coating

Ways ;
So firstly mix the warm water with sugar + milk. then add the dry yeast and leave it for about 30 mins till it was bubbly and foamy. That means that your yeast are well activated and will ensure that your doughnut will be soft and fluffy.
Then after that, mix the flour with egg + butter followed by the yeast mixture.
Knead the dough for around 5 mins till its shaped into a ball and the dough is not sticking to your fingers.
Roll the dough and use a doughnut cutter. Shape till all dough are finished. 
Leave them to rest for around 45 mins.
Then deep fry them till golden brown. Coat them with castor sugar and serve hot :)

this one i glazed it with chocolate ganache.

this one I made small little balls for my kids :) easy for them to eat.
So thats it, do try them out. If i can do it, you guys can too! Do share this recipe if you find it beneficial, thanks.


Wednesday, 3 October 2018

All time fav Choc Chip Cookies Recipe

My all time favourite chocolate chip recipe. This is a foolproof recipe which i used over and over again in my cookies business. Alhamdulillah i managed to get RM4xxx a month during Ramadhan. Ive been into this cookies business as early as 15 years old. I remembered distributing sample cookies to all my school teachers and was overwhelmed with the orders received. Now, i just open orders around Melaka, Johor Bahru and Singapore. 

So without further ado, let me share you the recipe and lets get baking!

Foolproof Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ingredients ;
1 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup castor sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 cups all purpose flour (for the black cookies i used 1 1/2 cups of flour + 1/2 cup of cocoa powder)
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups chocolate chips

*i add some M&M's to this cookies mix cause my son loves them!

Ways ;
So basically we mix the butter and both sugars first. Dont OVERMIX it as it will toughens the cookies. Just till well incorporated.
Then add the egg + vanilla essence
After that add the sifted flour + baking soda
Mix till no flour left, then add the chocolate chips.
Scoop about 1 tbsp big arranged in a baking sheet and bake in a 180C oven for around 20-25mins depending on your oven.
Let it bake till golden brown and cool it completely before storing them in a air tight container.

So thats it, as simple as ABC. and also the ingredients arent quite hard to get plus its affordable.
Hope you give this cookies recipe a try, and share if you find this beneficial, thanks :)


The Hubs and 2 kids.

First entry in the blog, kindda nervous. although nobodys yet to read this. haha
So like many normal blogs out there, a simple introduction to my small normal family.
Met at 8.8.2009, this guy right there, Muhammad Azhan bin Ahmad Tajuddin, used to be my friend's cousin. Never in my mind i could be married to him! His patience, words of laughter, coolness tends to make my heart melt. We got married on the 14.6.2014, and got our first baby on the 28.3.2015.

First born named Muhammad Ayden Naufal bin Muhammad Azhan. Now aged 3 years. Super talkative, love to eat and help me in the kitchen. Obsessed with ultraman and Karmen Rider. And there, out of the blue, without any planning whatsoever, i gave birth to the second one on 21.6.2017 (just 3 days before Raya! just imagine me surrounded by great yummy food during my confinement period!), Muhammad Ayden Luthfi bin Muhammad Azhan now only a year and a half.  Me and hubby didnt see the second one coming, but its Allah's rezeki to us.

So there you have it, we live in Melaka since 3 years ago where i worked here as a social worker. Working and meeting with the society, handling different kinds of personalities everyday really opens my mind and perspective about life. Will talk about that later. Basically the true niat of me blogging is I wanna improve in my writing, a some kind of virtual place to express my feelings, product reviews (tho not a beauty guru!) about knicks and knacks and also my ultimate passion for preloved clothes or bundle. Also im an avid home baker who loves to try almost any kinds of desserts. Will also up some recipes here :)

So if any of the above tends to make you interested, hop on over and do subscribe. 
