بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
evening, while i was busy doing house chores and one of them is scrubbing the
dirty grease at the kitchen sink. And i merely wondered,
are our hearts this dirty whilst doing bad deeds? I mean did I try to
scrub them hard like what I did now? Did i do any actions to scrub my heart
Turning them into shiny white is impossible, but making the stains
fade is POSSIBLE. Aku lalai, aku
alpa and this makes me wonder apa patut aku buat untuk bersihkan hati aku yang
kotor. Terlampau banyak sangat kesalahan yang aku telah buat semenjak baligh. I
mean terlampau banyak gila. Those
school days where i lied to my parents untuk keluar with my friends, where i
cabut sekolah and lepak doing nonsensical things, and 1 bad thing I had done
when I was 17 years old that changed my life 360 degrees. My relationship with
my parents and my family. Then there was college life, where I kept rebelling
and think that
aku je betul, semua salah.
Kenapa orang susah sgt nak faham aku, and aku buat je kepala aku. Aku rasa weh
hidup muda ni sekali jelah, buat jela ape aku nak buat.
So i live
wrecklessly, abaikan studies aku for my last year. I took Mechanical
Engineering and got 4 flats for my 1st year, but then semua dah kelaut. Semua
dah gone dead buried at the sea. No future left for me. Then i ran away from
home. Worked at Starbucks and merempat and menumpang dekat rumah orang. I think
aku dah hebat sangat. Hebat boleh survive
sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain.
Padahal dalam pandangan orang lain, aku
ni such a nuisance. Menyusahkan orang betul sampai family sendiri tak nak
terima kau. Hmmm, then I berniaga at Singapore and didnt last long. Maybe
because takde keberkatan dalam
hidup. My parents and family didnt bless me of what I have. To be frank, aku
earned around Rm3000 per week. Betapa besarnya duit yang aku dapat seminggu. Tapi
tiada keberkatan, tiada juga kekal lama rezeki itu.
So itu sedikit sebanyak
cerita masa lampau aku. Di mana, masa aku kahwin pun, im not one of my in laws
favourites pun. Ada aje yang salah
dimata mereka, ada aje yang tak kena. Ada aje yang tak betul. Tapi Allah tu
Maha Kuasa, there’s one incident that totally changed the perspective of me,
(later i cerita in another post ya). So thats it, aku rasa hati aku dah hitam
legam due to terlambau banyak sangat kisah silam aku yang penuh pahit dan
keburukan. Mungkin Allah place aku kerja di kebajikan supaya aku dapat
membersihkan hati aku sikit-sikit dengan menolong
orang, menyenangkan urusan orang? Mungkin itu yang dapat bersihkan hati aku
mcm skrg aku tengah menyental tiles dkt sink ni? Hmmm, semuanya di tangan kita
untuk mentafsirkan sendiri. Aku harap Allah
kuatkan hati aku, kuatkan daya aku untuk berubah menjadi yang baik dan lebih
sempurna. Not to be perfect, but to be more wiser and kinder in the near
future. For my kids, my husband and my family. Banyak sangat jasa mereka
yang aku patut balas selagi hayat aku masih ada. Kuatkan diri aku ya Allah,
help me endure and i hope i can bring something valuable to the society too In
sha Allah. Whats past is something for you to learn, but whats in the future is
something for you to think and strive. Till next time,
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