Friday, 19 October 2018

Radiate Positivity

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Assalamualaikum everyone, just wanna share my experiences thru the short course that i attended yesterday.

Kursus yang saya hadiri adalah Pengurusan Tunai Berkesan. Well it sounds like urgh boring! But lets face it, i DO need to attend this kursus cause i was asked to. Bukan dengan kerelaan hati. Tapi semua ini adalah suratan yang ditentukan Allah untuk aku menilai diri aku sebenar.

So sampai je aku di Putrajaya, the ambience, surrounding, people working at that buliding semua like super fast paced. And they go to work with their kids! Well sebab nya they provide taska dalam tempat kerja for those working there. Cool kan? So after breakfast, we head on to the dewan persidangan. Get on my seat, i see the penceramah tgh set up OHP and laptop untuk sesi taklimatnya.

So while waiting for others to penuhkan ruang dewan, i waited anxiously and my mind set dah beritahu aku okay Mira, just hold on cause its gonna be soooooo boring. Tapi, apabila that talker named Pn Dhia Khalid just open her mouth, wowww! I was astonished and could feel great positive vibes reaching me. My god, i need this, and i really do! Cant stop thanking Allah for placing me at this place and at the right time where i needed His guidance and love now.

So basically, Pn Dhia is a cancer cervix fighter. But her positive life made her go thru everything smoothly. She said, 

think positive frequently, 
think all the good good memories, 
create endless moments with your loved ones. 
Thus you can live your life to the fullest, and money will come to you easily.

A simple question that she asked strucked me, what is your value? What did you do to serve people? If you are dead, what will people remember you as? Do you do good in your life? I was so shooked that i felt i right thru the heart.

I do no good towards my parents, i have made a terrible mistake and was so ashamed to just remember about it. I always burden my family with my financial stake. I cant be a good sister, good daughter nor a good wife. I always kept asking why bad things came to my life. I really cant tell one simple good thing about what people will remember me as if Im gone.

Me, i need to work on my relationship with Allah. I need to constantly pray hard, keep my distance close to Him. I need to be istiqomah in order i want to get what i want in life. Aku tak patut berburuk sangka pada orang, those bad thoughts, bad energy yang stuck inside my head yang membuatkan rezeki and duit tidak melekat kepada saya.


avoid listening to that tiny voice inside your head telling you negative things. You need to fight with yourself first before fighting for others. Sedarkan diri baru you can make small changes at a time that end up to big giant achievements.

Give value to your work. No matter what occupation you do, be it a housewife, a cleaner, a teacher, an entrepreneur or whatsoever. do your best and your all and give 101%. cause that's where keberkatan will deliver and people will try and appreciate you. people will remember and recall about you. 

 banyak value you bagi untuk berniaga,
banyak sales yang you dapat
its not about how hard you try and sell,
its about what value you give and provide.

Set your intentions right, in sha Allah, Allah will guide us.

so I'll stop here for now and will continue in my next blog. 
In sha Allah ill be writing more positive reads in this blog. I need to value my life. Biar lah only 1 people yang read this post, as long as i dapat share the benefit to the world. Till next time,


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